Going Places: Design from the Jean S. and Frederic A. Sharf Collection ran at the Norton Museum of Art in
West Palm Beach from June 25, 2015 through January 3, 2016. The show presented almost 200 items related
to the history of transportation design. Because the show ran through both summer and the winter seasons, it
needed to appeal to a wide range of visitors, from summer camp children to school groups, tourists, and
Florida's seasonal winter residents. It needed to be visually engaging and amusing, while also providing an
in-depth scholarly investigation. The project included all aspects of developing the show; researching the
pre-determined content to identify a clear narrative, arranging the work in advance to allow a five day
installation, producing text panels and item labels, installing the show, collecting and editing multi-media
content, communicating with the press, and presenting a series of lectures and tours.