Matthew Bird has a varied range of skills and experiences. In his rear view mirror can be seen ten years running his own giftware design and manufacturing company, thirteen years developing and running retail venues, eleven years of teaching industrial design at Rhode Island School of Design, hundreds of hours lecturing about various aspects of design history, countless wholesale and retail trade shows and craft shows, numerous juries, myriad visits as guest critic, multiple projects curating shows for galleries and museums, a truck load of freelance design projects, occasional business and design consulting, and more than twenty years of treating old house restoration as an aerobic sport.
Among Matthew’s skills are a facility with computer software, drawing equipment, metalworking tools, woodworking tools, and language, an ability to retain large amounts of information including song lyrics from the 1930s, data organization and visualization, management, organizing of systems, making order out of chaos, writing run-on sentences, and using the third person.
This site has an extensive cross-section of Mr. Bird’s experience.
If you have any questions or ideas about the future, please get in touch.